Benefits of Black Cumin

Health & Wellness, Heart Health

black cumin

During our recent trip to Morocco, we were blown away by the distinctive earthy oregano-thyme like savory scent of Nigella sativa seeds also known a black cumin. N. sativa plants are grown throughout the Mediterranean basin inclusive of  24 countries and encompassing portions of 3 continents (Southern Europe, North Africa, West Asia) and the Middle East.   It turns out that black cumin offers a number of health benefits that can be derived by inhalation (seeds, powder or oil) or consumption (spice or condiment).   Below are some of the researched health properties of black cumin.

1.  Weight losing properties: sprinkle 1 teaspoon on your daily salad (see example) and you may even lose a few pounds!

2. Blood glucose control: approximately 1 teaspoon daily for 1 year reduced blood glucose levels by 20 mg/dL on average.

3. Improves mood: approximately 1/2 teaspoon daily for 1 month may also reduce anxiety and improve your mood.

Black cumin is worth a try…small amounts for sound health!

Dr Michael Miller is a cardiologist and Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.  His latest book is: “Heal Your Heart: The Positive Emotions Prescription to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease“.  100% of proceeds of the book are donated to the American Heart Association.


Argan Oil: Morocco’s Liquid Gold

Health & Wellness
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Having just returned from North Africa, the talk of the town (or at least in Marrakech’s Medina district) centered on one of Morocco’s prized possessions, a gold colored oil extracted from nuts grown on Argan trees.   In fact, Morocco has used Argan oil for centuries both for cosmetic purposes and as medicinal therapy.  Having been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal in 2012 on this topic, I thought it would be worth reviewing recent scientific evidence supporting the use of Argan Oil.  Keep in mind that the oil should be purchased from a reputable source (such as Her Boristerie Bab Agnaou as seen in the picture above) due to dilution of argan with other oils or counterfeit products on the market.
2. Antioxidant Effects: Another recent study found that 5 teaspoons (25mL) of argan oil given at breakfast daily for 3 weeks reduced platelet clumping and exhibited heart protective anti-oxidant effects.
 3. Anti-aging skin remedy: When consumed or applied to skin over a 30-day period, argan oil was associated with reduced wrinkles and sagging of the skin.
Dr Michael Miller is a cardiologist and Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.  His latest book is: “Heal Your Heart: The Positive Emotions Prescription to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease“.  100% of proceeds of the book are donated to the American Heart Association.

Do you live in one of the 5 Happiest & Healthiest Countries?

Brain Health, Health & Wellness


There are many countries where happiness abounds but chronic diseases keep life expectancy rates relatively low (such as in the Philippines where the average lifespan in men is only 65.7 years and women is 72.5 years compared to Monaco where men and women live 20 years longer on average (85.6 and 93.4 years for men and women, respectively). Other countries are healthy but not particularly happy (think of Japan).  The following 5 countries have the distinction of being the happiest and healthiest in the world and for each, there is at least one unique attribute as described below that can be applied to any country you live in. Unfortunately for us, the United States in not among this elite group.

  1. Sweden: Swedish homes are replete with fresh flowers and Sweden is a top importer of tulips.  Bright colors and pleasant fragrances not only boost mood but can also improve brain function.
  2. Australia:  Australians view noise pollution as a prime reason for unhappiness and therefore prefer to live in smaller towns and cities when possible.   Loud noise on a regular basis raises the risk of hypertension and heart disease.
  3. Canada:  Canadians in general and the Canadian physicians with whom I’ve worked with in particular are among the most gracious and altruistic people I know.  In fact, many of them have rejected a pay raise in favor of paying better wages to nurses and other healthcare professionals who are vastly underpaid.   Being selfless and showing gratitude not only boosts mood but also improves overall health.
  4. Iceland: Even though their winters are long and dark, Icelandic people spend a good amount of time during these months socializing in hot tubs at local neighborhood pool gatherings.  Socialization not only reduces depression but may also lower the risk of dementia.
  5. Switzerland:  Switzerland cares about educating and training its people in workforce to the extent that they are number 1 in the world when it comes to on-the-job staff training whether in government or private companies. Having a caring workplace not only reduces daily stress but also lowers risk of metabolic syndrome and other risk factors for heart disease.
  6. Dr. Michael Miller is a cardiologist and Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.  His latest book is: “Heal Your Heart: The Positive Emotions Prescription to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Apples

Health & Wellness, Nutrition


Since the popular expression “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” was coined ~150 years ago,  numerous benefits have indeed surfaced making apples among the healthiest and most readily available foods throughout the year.  In fact,  Fuji apples continue to be my favorite mid-afternoon pick-me-up snack.

But did you know that apples have important health benefits?   Here are 5 to chew on.

  1. Mouth Hygiene: speaking of chewing, apples contain malic acid which stimulates saliva production and keeps harmful bacteria at bay.  The result,  healthier teeth and gums.  But be careful because too much malic acid may lead to erosion of enamel;  an apple a day represents a “sweet spot” for good oral hygiene.
  2. Mood and Energy Booster: apples contain the mineral boron and a single apple each day can boost mood, energy levels and overall brain function.
  3. Lowers LDL cholesterolapples are a rich source of pectin,  a soluble fiber with cholesterol lowering properties.  One apple daily can reduce LDL (the bad cholesterol) 5-10% .  The trick is that you need to eat the skin to derive the benefit (so make sure the apples are soaked and/or washed well prior to eating; unless they were grown in a pesticide free environment).
  4. Improves Vascular Health: apples contain the powerful antioxidant quercetin, associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. Other antioxidants in apples reduce blood pressure and improve vascular health. An apple a day may also reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  5. Reduces “Apple Shape”: compared to pear-shaped, having an apple-shape or  belly fat distribution, is concerning because this type of fat is metabolically charged and inflammatory fat that over time, raises the risk of metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease. Ironically, eating apples as part of an overall program aimed at improving weight management leads to weight loss , diminution of the apple shape and improvement in overall metabolic health.
  6. Dr. Michael Miller is a cardiologist and Professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.  His latest book is: “Heal Your Heart: The Positive Emotions Prescription to Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease